Ingredients (ALL ACTIVE)



HAPPY Tooth Powder combines 6 natural, active ingredients to help clean, remineralize, desensitize, polish and brighten your teeth. Sourced from the best suppliers, these ingredients combine to make your teeth HAPPY. Read on to learn what makes HAPPY Tooth Powder the best.

1. Hydroxyapatite - (potential remineralizer)

Hydroxyapatite (HAP for short) is one of the key ingredients in HAPPY Tooth Powder, hence it’s name. It is an inorganic ceramic mineral composed of calcium, phosphorous, and hydroxyl (water) atoms. It is the material animal and human bone and teeth are made from. Our material is sourced from either Australia or New Zealand. It is produced from cow bones and is available in what producers call microcrystalline form. However, this as-produced form is not fine enough in crystalline particle size to dramatically assist in re-mineralizing teeth enamel. The HAPPY Tooth Powder HAP is put through a proprietary process to produce as fine a particle size as possible.

Particle size analysis proves that 40% of the powder is smaller in size than the tubular channel openings in tooth dentin, or about 4 microns. With our process, it is now possible that HAP particles can physically fill and cover these dentin channel openings if there is enough contact time of the powder/saliva mix in the mouth. This would assist in decreasing sensitivity from exposed dentin as well as promote remineralization. We believe this exact theory is why the vast majority (over 90%) of our customer who had tooth sensitivity because of exposed dentin, claim complete elimination after using our Happy Tooth Powder or Paste.

De-mineralization and re-mineralization of dentine and enamel occurs naturally in the mouth. The dominant process of these two is dependent on mouth pH.  At a pH of about 5.5 and below, de-mineralization occurs. Bacteria in the mouth digests consumed sugars and form lactic acid. This acid reduces the normal mouth pH and then attacks or dissolves the tooth enamel surface. Calcium and phosphate (hydroxyapatite material) is removed leaving a weak and soft area for cavities to form. Mouth pH can get this low due to the consumption of acidic foods and drinks. Examples include: soft drinks, coffee, sports drinks, wine, beer, fruit juices, and the many acidic foods.

Re-mineralization is the repair of this weakened area when calcium and phosphorous particles combine in saliva, get carried to the weak tooth surface area and are deposited on the surface.  This reaction will only take place when the mouth pH is raised above 5.5.  Mouth pH is raised by increasing natural saliva production, chewing gum, eating basic foods, and using dentifrices (like HAPPY Tooth Powder or Paste or Mouth Rinse) that have ingredients to raise pH.

Re-mineralization from saliva in the mouth will not be enhanced by your dentrifice if it only contains calcium products -as some natural toothpastes/powders claim. A phosphate source is required for the complete reaction. It is hydroxyapatite material that gets precipitated on tooth surfaces, not just calcium.  Re-mineralization also occurs naturally/internally to the dentine area from the blood supply in the tooth pulp area. This is where diet rules the day whereby foods rich in calcium/phosphate/vitamin D and vitamin K are then carried by the bloodstream to inside the tooth.

For maximum re-mineralization from saliva, one should brush as long as possible and not rinse right away or wait as long as you can. It is possible to further enhance re-mineralization by rubbing the powder on teeth and leaving it there as long as possible. If major re-mineralization is not necessary due to healthy teeth, regular brushing and then rinsing is fine. As a result of both chemical re-mineralization and physical closure of dentine tubular openings, teeth sensitivity can be reduced and eliminated. Areas of sensitivity should be given extra light brushing time without rinsing, and can be given an extra rub of powder throughout the day.

HAP is an animal product, and its quality and safety is carefully controlled by the suppliers. Both countries of origin carefully assure their HAP products are free of BSE and issue Certificates of Analysis for verification.

2. Xylitol & Erythritol - (anti-cavity agent, reduce plaque)

Xylitol is not a regular sugar, but a member of the sugar alcohol family. It cannot be digested by bad mouth bacteria and converted into harmful acid. It has been researched and proven to aid in the prevention of tooth decay by reducing plaque growth and inhibiting bad bacterial growth. Xylitol raises the pH in your mouth by stimulating saliva formation. For additional help in oral care, one can consider using Xylitol by itself as a rinse (1/2 tsp plus water) after brushing.

Two production processes are used to make Xylitol. One utilizes corn as the raw material and is the cheapest process. Most corn based Xylitol is made in China, and therefore is the least expensive brand. The Xylitol in HAPPY Tooth Powder is produced from birch trees, and is made in the USA without any GMO concerns.  There are some research studies and experts who claim Xylitol should be above 25% of the weight of a dentrifice to be effective. HAPPY Tooth Powder does have more than 25% Xylitol. 

Warning that Xylitol can be toxic to dogs if digested in large quantities. A very small percentage of people could have stomach issues, again, if large quantities of xylitol is ingested.

Erythritol is another member of the sugar alcohol family that is not as well known as Xylitol. Erythritol has some nondental advantages over Xylitol: virtually  zero calories (5% of sugar), zero glycemic index (does not raise insulin levels-suitable for diabetics) , high digestive tolerance (no stomach issues, non-laxative), and completely safe for animals (dogs). The sweetness of Erythritol is 70% of xylitol or regular sugar.  In the past 2 years, there have been published studies (1-3) that suggest Erythritol may be more effective than Xylitol in preventing tooth decay and plaque buildup. Since there are 20 times more reports on Xylitol than Erythritol, it may take a bit more time and research to prove if this is statistically true. HAPPY Tooth Powder is the product to be used to gather real world evidence. This fine white powder is made in the USA. There is only one production process, and that is the fermentation of non-GMO corn. Fermentation is a natural, healthy process used to make quality ingredients and healthy food.  Erythritol was  approved for use in Japan in 1990, European Union in 2008, and the USA in 1997 (GRAS-use as a sweetener) , and other countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

The BEST article to review xylitol and erythritol is "Sugar Alcohols, Caries Incidence, and Remineralization of Caries Lesions: A Literature Review", By Kauko K. Makinen, in the International Journal Of Dentistry, 2010.  I quote, " other dietary polyols that can remarkably lower the incidence of caries include erythritol..".

3. Baking Soda - (increase pH, antibacterial agent)

The chemical name for baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. One of its greatest attributes is raising the pH in the mouth. The pH of your saliva is a crucial aspect to oral health. When the pH is acidic (especially below 5.5), bacteria in the mouth eat sugars and attack (de-mineralizing) teeth. When the pH is greater than 6, the bad bacteria are inhibited from eating sugars, creating plaque, and attacking teeth.

HAPPY Tooth Powder uses a USA supplier of not only pure sodium bicarbonate, but from a natural mineral source. This is not your everyday, inexpensive brand of baking soda commonly found at the grocery store and made synthetically. Since it raises mouth pH, sodium bicarbonate acts as an antibacterial agent. It has also been proven to be effective against periodontal disease.  The hardness of baking soda and its RDA value of 7 is too low to greatly impact abrasion of tooth enamel.  Many of our grandparents used it as their only dentrifice.

4. Calcium Carbonate - (cleaning and polishing)

Calcium carbonate is the mineral found in limestone. The hardness of calcium carbonate (3 on Mohs scale) is high enough to polish/abrade dentin, the layer just under tooth enamel.  Tooth enamel (5 Mohs) is harder than calcium carbonate and will not be abraded or scratched, but very fine particles of calcium carbonate can remove stains and polish the enamel.  This is especially true for the HAPPY Tooth Powder formula since it has the finest particle size calcium carbonate available. The finer the size, the more polishing occurs instead of scratching. If you have exposed dentin at the gum line due to gum recession (gums moving down the enamel), our very fine particles of calcium carbonate will not excessively abrade the dentine; but actually help eliminate sensitivity by filling in the dentin tubule openings that are the major cause of sensitivity in the mouth.

Try brushing after drinking 1-2 cups of coffee, and you will see a brownish color residue on your toothbrush as the calcium carbonate immediately polishes away the coffee stain, and your teeth will sparkle!

I prefer to use the term polish rather than the popular toothpaste marketing term “whitening.”  The color of your teeth is dependent on your genetics and diet from womb to childhood. Trace minerals in your enamel/dentin can also affect color. The role of a dentrifice should be to bring your teeth to their intrinsic color, whatever shade of white/ivory that is, by polishing away plaque and stains.

All natural limestone has chemical impurities like silica, but they can be removed. We are using the highest quality (or purity) calcium carbonate, with no impurities like crystalline quartz (silica).  This product is made in the USA.

5. Calcium Lactate - (release Calcium ions)

Calcium lactate is a white crystalline salt produced from calcium and lactic acid. It is used as a food additive and in medicine. Research studies have shown it has a synergistic effect with Xylitol to help prevent cavities. It is very soluble in your saliva adding calcium ions or particles.  This product is a very fine white powder and produced in the USA.

6. Calcium Silicate - (increase pH, polishing)

Calcium silicate is a raw material used to help increase mouth pH by dissolving in saliva very quickly. It is another source of very small calcium particles for the saliva to carry to the enamel and exposed dentine surfaces. It is a very fine white powder and made in the USA.

7. Flavoring - (taste)

The original mint flavors used came from the leaves of mint plants that have been crushed and milled into fine powders. They are USA sourced. In spring of 2018, we changed to using 100% pure organic mint essential oils that are made in the USA.

The fruit flavors are produced from whole fruits that are dried and milled into fine powders. All of these flavored fruit powders are produced in the USA. The strawberry and watermelon flavored tooth powders and paste are a slight pink color.

* All of the ingredients above are made in the USA, except hydroxyapatite. All of the ingredients in HAPPY Tooth Powder are edible, and safe for all ages.




HAPPY Toothpaste is made from the same ingredients in HAPPY Tooth Powder, plus other ingredients to help form a paste. We decided to only use Erythritol as the cavity prevention agent. Performance is equal to HAPPY Tooth Powder, with the paste form for those who prefer that type of dentifrice 


1. HAPPY Tooth Powder

Same formula as above except that only Erythritol is used to reduce plaque buildup and prevent cavities. Hydroxyapatite, baking soda, calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, and calcium silicate are all in the toothpaste. We are not using Xylitol, but believe that Erythritol has equal, or slightly better performance.

If you have a dog as a pet, erythritol based toothpaste (or powder) is perfectly safe to use for their oral care. 


2. Water

Distilled water is used to be sure there are no trace contaminants that could negatively react with any of the other ingredients. USA sourced


3. Coconut Oil- antibacterial agent

Coconut oil acts as an antibacterial agent in the mouth to help reduce bad bacteria.It also helps make the paste have the desired flow. It is 100% organic, extra virgin oil that is unrefined and cold pressed. Made in the Philippines where coconuts grow. 


4. Aloe Vera- antibacterial agent

Aloe Vera is well known as an antibacterial agent. It also has many other potential healthy benefits for inside the mouth. Our Aloe Vera is 100% organic inner leaf juice. It is fresh pressed and not from concentrate. Made in the USA.


5. Guar Gum- thickener and stabilizer

Guar gum is a food grade additive used as an all-purpose thickener. In toothpaste it helps to stabilize the flow properties of the paste. We use a high purity source of guar gum that is made in the USA.


6. Flavors- taste

HAPPY toothpaste is available unflavored, but also with mint/fruit/candy flavorings. We wanted to offer flavors that may be attractive to children (and adults) so they have a pleasant/fun time brushing their teeth. 

The mint flavorings come from 100% pure organic peppermint or spearmint essential oils and do not have artificial dyes. Both are made in the USA. The strawberry fruit flavoring is produced from whole fruits that are dried and milled into fine powders. It is produced in the USA. The strawberry flavored tooth paste is a slight pink color. Our new cotton candy flavoring is an artificial flavoring made for baking, but has no artificial dyes. It is also a USA product.



Essential Oil Blend MOUTH RINSE


HAPPY Mouth Rinse was developed to complement the use of either tooth powder or toothpaste. After brushing, especially at bedtime, use of HAPPY Mouth Rinse will help reduce plaque, eliminate bad oral bacteria, increase ph and improve saliva formation in the mouth.

HAPPY Mouth Rinse has a pH of 7.4-7.8 to help reduce the acidity in the mouth. Most commercial mouth rinses or washes are acidic themselves.

The Essential Oil Blend Mouth Rinse was developed for Adults Only, to further assist in bad breath issues. Adding the antimicrobial properties of peppermint, spearmint, clove, thyme, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils to our standard HAPPY Mouth Rinse will further promote the reduction of bad bacteria that causes bad breath issues.



1. Water

Distilled water is used to be sure there are no trace contaminants that could negatively react with any of the other ingredients. USA sourced


2. Erythritol- anti-cavity agent, reduce plaque

Erythritol is a member of the sugar alcohol family that is not as well known as Xylitol. Erythritol has some nondental advantages over Xylitol: virtually  zero calories (5% of sugar), zero glycemic index (does not raise insulin levels-suitable for diabetics) , high digestive tolerance (no stomach issues, non-laxative), and completely safe for animals (dogs). The sweetness of Erythritol is 70% of xylitol and regular sugar.  In the past 2 years, there have been published studies (1-3) that suggest Erythritol may be more effective than Xylitol in preventing tooth decay and plaque buildup. Since there are 20 times more reports on Xylitol than Erythritol, it may take a bit more time and research to prove if this is statistically true. HAPPY Tooth Products are the products to be used to gather real world evidence. This fine white powder is made in the USA. There is only one production process, and that is the fermentation of non-GMO corn. Fermentation is a natural, healthy process used to make quality ingredients and healthy food.  Erythritol was  approved for use in Japan in 1990, European Union in 2008, and the USA in 1997 (GRAS-use as a sweetener) , and other countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

The BEST article to review erythritol is "Sugar Alcohols, Caries Incidence, and Remineralization of Caries Lesions: A Literature Review", By Kauko K. Makinen, in the International Journal Of Dentistry, 2010, Article ID 981072.  I quote, " other dietary polyols, that can remarkably lower the incidence of caries include erythritol..".


3. Baking Soda- increase saliva pH, antibacterial agent

The chemical name for baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. One of its greatest attributes is raising the pH in the mouth. The pH of your saliva is a crucial aspect to oral health. When the pH is acidic (especially below 5.5), bacteria in the mouth eat sugars and the resulting acidic end-product  attacks (de-mineralizing) teeth. When the pH is greater than 6, the bad bacteria are inhibited from eating sugars, creating plaque, and attacking teeth.

HAPPY Mouth Rinse uses a USA supplier of not only pure sodium bicarbonate, but from a natural mineral source. This is not your everyday, inexpensive brand of baking soda commonly found at the grocery store and made synthetically. Since it raises mouth pH, sodium bicarbonate acts as an antibacterial agent. It has also been proven to be effective against periodontal disease.  The hardness of baking soda is too low to greatly impact abrasion of tooth enamel.  Many of our grandparents used it as their only dentrifice.


4, Aloe Vera- antibacterial agent

Aloe Vera is well known as an antibacterial agent. It also has many other potential healthy benefits for the inside of the mouth. Our Aloe Vera is 100% organic inner leaf juice. It is fresh pressed and not from concentrate. Made in the USA.


5. Citric Acid- preservative

A very small amount of citric acid is used with the distilled water to be sure no potential impurities cause any issues in the mouth rinse.


6. Flavors- taste

HAPPY Mouth Rinse is available unflavored, but also with mint/fruit/candy flavorings. We wanted to offer flavors that may be attractive to children (and adults) so they have a pleasant/fun time rinsing their mouth. The clear, unflavored mouth rinse (tastes like sugar water), clear cotton candy, and clear peppermint flavor have no artificial dyes.

The peppermint flavoring is not from an essential oil, but a water based emulsion with natural peppermint flavors. It does create a slightly cloudy appearance to the HAPPY Mouth Rinse.




1. Erythritol

Our erythritol is a fine powder and not granular. It is USA sourced.

Erythritol is another member of the sugar alcohol family that is not as well known as Xylitol. Erythritol has some nondental advantages over Xylitol: virtually  zero calories (5% of sugar), zero glycemic index (does not raise insulin levels-suitable for diabetics) , high digestive tolerance (no stomach issues, non-laxative), and completely safe for animals (dogs). The sweetness of Erythritol is 70% of xylitol or regular sugar.  In the past 2 years, there have been published studies (1-3) that suggest Erythritol may be more effective than Xylitol in preventing tooth decay and plaque buildup. Since there are 20 times more reports on Xylitol than Erythritol, it may take a bit more time and research to prove if this is statistically true. HAPPY Tooth Products are the products to be used to gather real world evidence. This fine white powder is made in the USA. There is only one production process, and that is the fermentation of non-GMO corn. Fermentation is a natural, healthy process used to make quality ingredients and healthy food.  Erythritol was approved for use in Japan in 1990, European Union in 2008, and the USA in 1997 (GRAS-use as a sweetener) , and other countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand)


 Our natural sugarless gum is based on Xylitol. This gum will help prevent cavities and increase saliva production while chewing between meals. Xylitol is the key ingredient. It inhibits the growth of bad bacteria which will minimize the demineralization process that occurs when bacteria metabolize sugar from meals/snacks, creating an acidic environment. Xylitol and the act of chewing both stimulate saliva production, which also overcomes acidity.

The gum base is chicle, not a synthetic food-grade polymer or rubber. Chicle is a sap from the sapodilla trees in Central America rain forest (harvested similar to maple syrup so without damage to trees). There are no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives used in manufacturing this gum.

List of ingredients:

Xylitol: 75%

Gum Base (Chicle): 20%

Other: 5% (calcium carbonate, gum arabic, resinous glaze, beeswax, carnauba wax, natural flavorings)

We strongly recommend this gum for all children, but especially those who may have higher than normal cavities due to snacking/excessive sugar and soda consumption. Of course, perfect for adults also.




1.     Makinen K.K., Isotupa K.P., Kivilompolo T., Makinen P.L., Toivanen J., Soderling E., Comparison of Erythritol and Xylitol saliva stimulants in the control of dental plaque and mutans streptococci. Caries Research. 2001;35(2):129-135. Doi: 10.1159/000047444

2.     Honkala S., Runnel R., Saag M, Olak J, Nommela R, Russak S, Makinen PL., Vahlberg T, Falony G, Makinen K, Honkala E., Effect of Erythritol and Xylitol on dental caries prevention in children. Caries Research. 2014;48 (5):482-90.

3.     De Cock P, Makinen K, Honkala E, Saag M, Kennepohl E, Eapen A, Erythritol is more Effective than Xylitol and Sorbitol in Managing Oral Health Endpoints. Int’l Journal of Dentistry. 2016; 9868421. Doi: 10.1155/2016/9868421