
I started using HAPPY Tooth Powder 6 weeks ago, and now have used the newly developed HAPPY Tooth Paste for 4 weeks. 

My teeth feel polished after each use, just like when I see my hygienist.  I thought for sure each product must be overly abrasive to accomplish this. 

I have reviewed the HAPPY powder and paste dental testing results for abrasion (RDA), pellicle cleaning (PCR), and cleaning efficiency (CEI). These test results are very refreshing in that I can accomplish the smooth polished feeling without abrading or harming my teeth. 

Since the powder and paste is excellent in removing the pellicle, plaque does not have the ability to attach to the tooth surface.  This allows the polished feel to last longer after brushing. Plaque removal is also the key to cavity prevention.

The fact that Natural Tooth Health has used an independent laboratory to test their product speaks volumes to their integrity and focus on providing the best oral care products  for everyone.

I currently have my family using the HAPPY Tooth paste and have recommended it to family, friends, and patients. I would recommend Happy Tooth Products to anyone looking to effectively clean their and their children’s teeth.

Dr. John D Wells, D.D.S., P.A.
American Association of Endodontics, Specialist Member

June 2018

Mr, Carbone,

By the way, I absolutely love your toothpaste. I tell everyone I can about it because it has been wonderful for me and my daughter. 

I first purchased it when I discovered early childhood tooth decay on my 2 year old daughter. I was looking for something natural and kid-safe and found Happy toothpaste. I just loved that every single ingredient is listed and explained in detail on the website.

With the help of ozone treatments, diet changes and your toothpaste, my daughter's decay has not progressed and her teeth are stable.

I also use the toothpaste sometimes because I have sensitive teeth. It has pretty much eliminated my sensitivity and cleans my teeth so much better than any other toothpaste. I just had a dental cleaning last week and the hygienist was impressed with the lack of plaque in my mouth. It was the least amount of scraping I've ever had!

So thank you so much for this toothpaste!

I told the hygienist about it to recommend to other patients. I also recommend it in a couple of blog posts I wrote about early childhood tooth decay (https://mamarissa.com/natural-treatments-for-ecc-early-childhood-caries/). I want to get you as much business as I can because I need this toothpaste to always be available for us!

Thank you again,

Marissa October 2020

Subject: A miracle?

Message: Dear Tom,
I just wanted to let you know about my last dental appointment. Upon my yearly exam my dentist spotted a very small cavity she wanted to fill. I made an appointment to come back in 2-1/2 weeks to have it done. In the meantime, I had just received my tooth powder and paste order from you. I had never used either before. I used both types alternatively, paying special attention to that spot, sometimes coating it with the powder and letting it be in contact with the area as long as possible. I had read some amazing things about hydroxyapatite and had high hopes. I couldn't believe it when I went back to have the cavity filled, the dentist couldn't find it! She checked and rechecked, and looked at the X-ray again. She seemed a bit baffled and assumed she just made a mistake. I told her I had been using a toothpaste with hydroxyapatite, but she didn't seem interested. Is such a "miracle" even possible? For the compound to heal a tiny cavity in such a short time? I don't know but whatever happened, I'm grateful! Even if she did make a mistake l did notice my gums began to look less receeded, less red, and had a better appearance overall. I think the SLS and/or silica in regular toothpastes may have been irritating my gums and I didn't know it. Thank you so very much for your product. I think your formula ingredients are spot on and my teeth and gums and general health are the better for it!
Jeannie October 2020

I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful tooth powder. I cant remember how I found your product, but I'm glad I did. I had severe tooth pain on my gum line that got so bad, I couldnt even touch my tooth with a toothbrush. It kept getting worse and I just didnt understand why. I flossed everyday and brushed my teeth 3 times a day. I used special fluoride products that the dentist gave me, but they didn't help. I switched over to your amazing tooth powder and within a couple weeks, the pain was gone. I know it was the tooth powder that helped because when I go camping and forget my tooth powder and have to use regular toothpaste (that now burns when I use it), the pain slowly comes back. Thank you so much! 

-Nuri October 2020

Hi Tom.

I just wanted to let you know that I placed an order for the tooth powder in bulk and wanted it with peppermint flavor and without baking soda like you made for me last time.

My kids really liked it without baking soda. 

Also, I have good news that I want to share with you. One of my sons was told that he had a small cavity on his enamel. After that, we started using your tooth powder, and at his most recent visit, we were told that the cavity is gone!

It seems like your tooth powder is working for us.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Tamiko September 2020

I just got this toothpaste yesterday and I already love it!! I bought unflavored, but it has a subtle almost sweet flavor. The consistency is thinner than a big brand toothpaste but not runny, the texture is smooth and not sticky, and it does a great job of making your teeth feel clean. My one year old even likes the toothpaste !! I will definitely be telling friends and family about this awesome company and ordering more when we run out!!

Hannah N June 2020

“HAPPY Tooth Powder – The name says it all!   

 Since switching from 2 other major brands of toothpaste, to HAPPY Tooth Powder, my teeth and gums do indeed, feel Happier, stronger and healthier.   I was using one toothpaste at night, due to its baking soda content to raise pH levels as well as gently polish teeth.  In the mornings, I would use a well-known Cinnamon Gel however, both of these have questionable ingredients, including Fluoride.  

 At one point, when I was running low of HAPPY Tooth Powder, I’ve reached for the “poison in a tube” toothpaste, and discovered that my mouth could not tolerate that any longer.   Luckily, I had pure Baking Soda, so I’ve utilized this until my HAPPY Tooth Powder was delivered.   Within minutes of that particular delivery, I was tearing into the nicely packed parcel from Tom Carbone, and immediately brushed, thus giving my mouth that instant ‘HAPPY Tooth’ feeling of Clean!  I will certainly NEVER run low on HAPPY Tooth Powder again.

 I have not tried all of the HAPPY Tooth Powder flavors, but, believe it or not, the Unflavored blend has a very nice, pleasant taste, all on its own, which has become my favorite of all Tooth Powders that I’ve purchased in the past.   The unflavored tooth powder blend’s ingredients are Amazing and truly do promote HAPPY Teeth!   

 Remember, a HAPPY, Healthy YOU, all begins with Oral Hygiene.   Why poison it with dangerous, unnecessary chemicals and ingredients that do nothing but harm?  Give Your mouth ‘HAPPY Teeth’ with HAPPY Tooth Powder.   You won’t regret it.”

Joe H. January 2020

I tried your toothpaste for the first time last night and it is fabulous. Thank you for making such a high quality product available.

Richard S. November 2019

This tooth powder has lived up to it’s claims to clean, polish, and brighten. My teeth feel clean and smooth every time I brush like I had been at the dentist office. Not gritty like some tooth powders and the the flavoring (I use spearmint) isn’t overpowering like most toothpastes. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to remove unknown chemicals from the products they use and those of us that are eco-conscious.

Kerri, SeaGreenProducts October 2019

 “I am one happy customer! I use to dread my dental cleanings because of gum irritation & painful inflammation but now that I use Happy Toothpaste & Rinse, my mouth is no longer sore after a trip to the dentist. I noticed a difference after only 2 months of use. I love these products & now my family is enjoying them, too!”

Julie September 2019

This is why I like your Happy Toothpaste:

Clean fresh mouth after brushing (I prefer spearmint flavor)​

Reduces plaque and cavities (a starter cavity disappeared)​

Improves gum health ( no abcess or bleeding))​

Lessens yellowing appears whiter​

Polishes teeth which improves looks and feel​

Lessens tooth sensitivity esp. to cold​

James September 2019

I recently purchased your tooth powder, mouthwash, and gum and am really happy with all my products. The tooth powder seems to have made may teeth far less sensitive and leaves them feeling squeaky clean and my breath fresh! My husband absolutely loves the gum I purchased and is hoping I’ll order more and I’d love to. The problem is we are working really, really hard to cut plastic packaging out of our lives and the bags the gum arrives in has plastic that is not recyclable. Same goes for the mouthwash. (editor note: we now supply our gum and mouth rinse in 4 oz glass bottles)

Kirstan July 2019

I use this product and my teeth feel as if they were cleaned by my dental hygienist.

Martha July 2019

Very HAPPY with this tooth powder

Kristi June 2019

It’s the first night of use with your tooth powder and I can’t even explain to you how WONDERFUL my teeth and my gums feel like!!!!! They feel so clean and refreshed. I just wish I knew about things like this when I was a kid now. 
I feel rest assured my children are using a wonderful product that is safe to swallow. They loved the watermelon flavor.
I’m spreading the word here in Ohio!!! Day 1 and I am amazed! Thank you for taking the time to develop a quality tooth powder that is safe for my children! Happy momma over here! I will let you know in November if we healed my oldest first cavity and my cavity that is on watch! 

Amanda July 2018
P.S. We did not have any trouble with pouring out the powder! My oldest who is 6 even held out her hand to hold it. No issues over here! Easy peasy.


I have been using Happy Tooth Powder for five months and am happy to report my sensitivity has stayed away. I was using Sensodyne toothpaste. This past month I went on a two week trip and forgot my tooth powder. Within 10 days, using regular toothpaste, my sensitivity reappeared!! Upon returning home and using Happy Tooth Powder, my sensitivity was gone in about 3 days. It truly stops sensitivity. And my teeth look clean and brighter than ever.  Judy May 2018


 I’m loving the tooth powder that I received!! My teeth look clean, bright, and whiter!  Georgina  May 2018


I like the light flavor of it. My mouth feels clean with no build up on my teeth.   Diana    May 2018


I am very pleased with my purchase.
I have tried many natural toothpastes and powders with minimal results. Your powder has brightened my teeth and has helped with sensitivity within a very short period of time.  I am also very impressed with your level of commitment and personal contact with your customers. That speaks volumes about a company and that sort of philosophy is rare these days!!!
Tracey    April 2018



I just wanted to tell you how much I love the tooth powder! I noticed a difference after the first brushing! And after two, the whitening effects became apparent-my teeth have never been so white! I have received the same reaction from a few friends who've tried it, too.  Susan  Jan 2018


Just went to the dentist today after my 10 year old daughter and I have been using Happy Tooth Powder for about 2 months. No cavities and I have no more sensitivity. Love this stuff!  Christy Feb 2018


Thanks again for the sample!  I love it!  My teeth feel so smooth and look whiter! - they actually squeek in the 2nd brushing!  I'm telling my whole family about it.  My daughter's using it also, and I can already see her teeth are whiter! Anne  Feb 2018


I always made sure to buy non-fluoride toothpaste for my kids and myself, but I never stopped to look at the other toothpaste ingredients to see what they were actually doing FOR our teeth. Turns out mostly nothing. We’ve been using HAPPY Tooth Powder for several months and we all love it! I’m happy that it does not contain fluoride (or other harmful chemicals!) and that all six ingredients are active toward improving the health of our teeth -especially preventing cavities and re-mineralizing teeth. I initially found HAPPY Tooth Powder when My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed with two cavities and I was devastated. We started using HAPPY Tooth Powder for a few months and at her next dental appointment (a year later from diagnosis) the dentist could not see any cavities! HAPPY Tooth Powder is now a fixture in our household. Thank you!   Leslie  Dec 2017


My teeth feel clean and smooth after brushing. I drink several cups of tea a day and any surface staining is removed. I also like how it is not minty. I will place another order soon.   Christine Dec 2017


I have had severe tooth sensitivity for many years that has not been solved by anti-sensitivity tooth paste. After 3 days of using your tooth powder, it was almost completely eliminated. After 10 days, I have no sensitivity. A fantastic product.   Lisa Dec 2017


Thank you for my free sample. My teeth sensitivity is now gone.   Pete  Dec 2017


If you like healthy, chemical-free products for your family, I highly recommend Happy Tooth Powder. My kids are big fans of their watermelon flavor.  Katie  Jan 2018